

🌿 Nature, comparative myth, magic, #Arthurian & #folklore 🌸 #amwriting 🇨🇦 ☮️ An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. - Ghandi

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Sharing a different 'Green Man' named so by a rabbit who gets revenge on a hunter, (a la Bugs Bunny).
One of my Mum's from childhood.
Your factual tweet made me think of it after all these years. Thanks!
The Struwwelpeter painting book, by Heinrich Hoffmann, ca 1900

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Here lies Tom Thumb,
King Arthur’s knight,
Who died by a spider’s cruel bite.
He was well known in Arthur’s court,
Where he afforded gallant sport;
He rode at tilt & tournament,
Alive he fill’d the court with mirth
His death to sorrow soon gave birth.

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Hermes is depicted as both protector & trickster. In Homer's Iliad he is a bringer of good luck, guide & guardian, & "excellent in all the tricks". As a psychopomp & messenger to the gods, he moved freely between the worlds of mortals & the divine.

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Apparently, three children remained behind: one could not follow quickly enough, the second was deaf & could not hear the music, & the last was blind, unable to see where he was going.
They informed the villagers of of this when they came home from church.

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Hamelin suffered from a rat infestation. A piper & rat-catcher, hired to play his pipe, lured them to a river where they all drowned. 🐀 The mayor refused to pay him so the angry piper took revenge by piping their children out of town, never to be seen again.

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The Lady of the Lake, a title used by a few fairy-like human enchantresses, played an important role in Arthurian She provided Arthur with Excalibur, raised Lancelot after his father died, entrapped Merlin, & helped take the dying Arthur to Avalon. 🪄

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I couldn't watch the whole thing because that person's voice is so grating. What I did get out of it is that he appears to accuse Trudeau of having control of the weather! Does that mean the mini-mussolini thinks the PM is some sort of god? 🤔⚡️

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The Wild Swans, a literary by Hans Christian Andersen, tells us of Princess Elsa who rescues her eleven brothers from a spell cast by their evil queen & step-mother. 🦢

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The Princess on the Pea is a literary by Hans Christian Andersen about a young woman whose royal ancestry is established by a test of her sensitivity. 🛌

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Be like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under 't.

Macbeth - Act I. Sc. 5.


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