

2D/3D generalist, programmer. 10+ years of daily art streams: twitch.tv/floatharr. Bi-monthly art thoughts and sketches.

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:1871

This turned out nice, glad I took another day to color it. The low resolution of the HMD made it a bit messier on screen than what it looked like in VR, but it does help me not get stuck in the details as much. Really enjoying this!

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Made a sculpture in Medium, then drew lineart on top of it and used the screenshot as reference for painting separate render passes manually. Didn't seem like the most efficient way to go about it, but an interesting exercise nonetheless.

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Tried condensing yesterday's workflow to about half the time, with a quick 2D sketch as a ref first. Probably suffered a lot from only putting 30 minutes into the sculpt, harder and slower to paint a ton of geometry in 2D afterwards. I really like the look that these have though

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This warrior dude came out cool. Painted the base texture, light, and specular on separate layers again. Simplifies rendering a ton, a lot more nuance quickly than if I painted on one layer, Should do this type of rendering more again :o

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Today's thoughts about color theory turned into some weird mad scientist math and 3D geometry stuff, trying to visualize HSV in 3D polygons inside color cylinders... Also found out that blending only with color picker radius feels really nice to paint with, no pressure/opacity!

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A limited ~8 color palette keeps things simple and efficient, gradients and blending take time and can look muddy. Longest stream I've ever done. According to my time tracking software I've painted more in one day exactly once in the last 7 years.

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Rendering entirely with a soft brush and talking about rendering techniques today. Hard to keep things from looking mushy :o

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This whole painting business is slowly coming back to me. Remembering thoughts about how much rendering is enough, and prioritizing identity over visual flair, or something. Funny how you tend to forget when you get distracted. Should go through old drawings to remind myself.

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Made this top heavy space ninja looking dude while testing out the new lazy brush feature. Turns out I'm a bit rusty with coloring. I like the overall color scheme though.

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Bunnies. Not much energy left over for painting, planning a move to a new apartment this week among other things. Should be nice once I'm settled in. First streams from the new place could be happening within a week :o

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