Thales of Floridaさんのプロフィール画像

Thales of Floridaさんのイラストまとめ

If Sonny Crockett had been a DJ.

フォロー数:973 フォロワー数:5334

Amusing random AI prompts, episode 1.

The seat of power for the Synthwave Holy Roman Empire of Florida.

(Plus a bunch of settings/realism descriptors)

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An exercise in prompt engineering and inpainting.

A friend gave me a challenge to create an angel driving an SUV, where the SUV is on fire and driving down the Highway to Hell.

This level of specificity takes many reseeds, inpainting, and Photoshop correction work.

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The Neo-Paulicans claim direct lineage from the old Paulican movement, but that may be apocryphal. In any event, their ranks have been bolstered by Digital Iconoclasts, and together they formed a small underground opposed to the Emperor's reign. The heresy is popular among youth.

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Shortly after his appointment, the Patriarch convened a council which ultimately condemned Digital Iconoclasm as heresy. The medium of the depiction of Christ did not matter.

That this was a view shared by the Emperor who appointed him was not lost on his detractors, however.

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Digital Iconclasm was a recent controversy in the Empire. Holographic and computer generated imagery of Christ appeared in many churches and homes throughout the Empire, but there were those who thought such representations were blasphemous.

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Another source of elite troops for the Empire are the Athanatoi - the Immortals - drawn from families of high status. Though perhaps not as raw and physically capable as the Varangians, they receive the best training and some of the most advanced gear the Empire has to offer.

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12/ Art is not the tool. A paintbrush can be used to make art, or to just turn your living room a different color. A camera can be used to make art, or just snap a family photo for your wall. And AI can be used to make art, or some dumb meme about Trump and DeSantis as Kaiju.

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Priests are omnipresent in the city. Most are a force for good, but occasional heretical sects can still be found in the dark corners of the city, far from the eyes of the Patriarch. The Neo-Paulicans have made a recent return.

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The Patriarch is a man deeply loyal the Emperor, or so it seems, as the Emperor appointed him.

In Constantinople little is ever as it seems. But he has proven effective at putting down the Digital Iconoclast controversy.

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Mounted Cataphracts in the Emperor's employ often patrol the streets at night, looking for shady characters and troubling business.

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