

23 || Beginner 3D Animator and Modeler || Lowploy + Manga || Twitch:

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Alright, time to get back to working now the week is over. Sendai Colony MMV is in process.

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Some newer manga Ive started reading since I’ve been hearing great things about them. I’ve caught up to Gachiakuta so far but, damn do I love the cast designs and the world building. As for Sakamoto and Dandadan I know of them through a few YouTube vids and Im going to start +

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Thank all you guys for the support on the 4Kota teases so far! I'll do a few more before its done but, I'll mainly focus on getting it done and uploaded on Youtube before New years.

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WIP, been coloring all day basically but its still has a ways to go till Im done with it. Been having a good time drawing my favorite character in MHA and really pushing myself

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Made really good progress during today's stream, I manage to shade most of Kefla

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Working on a Kefla piece, havent drawn her in forever

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What I drew on my first stream, just trying out stuff mostly need to found brushes I like in CSP

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