

Illustrator | イラストレーター | Draws from time to time.

game dev: @FranhamDev

フォロー数:594 フォロワー数:21298

私作りましたのかがの絵をすべてをコンパイルしました! (2018-2019)

I have complied the drawings of Kaga I made! ( 2018 - 2019 )

26 116

WIP | last wips of this work!

85 468

Going to be not busy for like 2 weeks :D Finally have some time to finish those pending commissions

For the meantime, Here's Hamu and Fura!

58 317


271 1185

2009 - 2013 - 2019

2009 Franham still thinks he's the best 😏

3 69

I combined the very first (2014) Kaga i ever drew and the latest (2019) Kaga i drew

104 503

Still busy with IRL stuff but not busy enough to not draw WKaga 😏

p.s. ill try to finish something once a month :'D Thats my goal for now

10 125

I've been gone forawhile because of IRL stuffs but here are Ton's friends / classmates !

41 230