

Arco is out on Switch n PC B)

Wallpapers -
Arco Free Demo - 🐛

フォロー数:458 フォロワー数:87445

Same piece, 2.5 years apart. Old on left, new on right.

Slow and steady bois

201 2046

That 's town thing but pixelart and more greens.

No one tell Trix

104 1208


Pretty proud of the composition, the rest came out eeh

41 609

I don't feel like detailing it anymore than this

133 1153

Usually it's pretty intuitive but try to keep in mind that humans see less detail in dark areas when the whole image is bright and less detail in light areas when the image is dark.

(i keep forgetting that)

It should influence how your palette looks.

11 299

Start your sketches with a lot of near black/dark colours and work your way up from there. It’s easier to achieve more depth that way

8 225

Don't go over the top with brightness

Same as with saturation. It’s about contrast. If there’s no good reason for it, don’t use 100% whites and 100% blacks. It just looks off. Don’t ask me why lol

9 291

Ya fucks keep asking so here it is

How I pick colours in pixelart


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