Fraser Campbellさんのプロフィール画像

Fraser Campbellさんのイラストまとめ

Comic Writer - Alex Automatic, The Edge Off, House of Sweets, IND-XED, The Berg, Starcrossed. Comics here:

フォロー数:2208 フォロワー数:4744

Brand new comic MONSTER MATES is LIVE on Kickstarter right now!

We're 76% funded with 11 days to go and looking for a few good Monster Mates to help us over the line!

Find out why the
called it "A fun, funny romp that has real heart."

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12 days to go and £760 to raise on the MONSTER MATES Kickstarter!

It's looking tight - can we make it?

Check out the page and back us from as little as a fiver!

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Tuesday. Pretty boring, eh? It doesn't have to be!

Spice things up - back MONSTER MATES on Kickstarter!

We're looking for some more bloodcurdling backers to help us hit our funding goal!

36 pages of brand-new comedy goodness! Story synopsis below!

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We've had a great couple of days on the MONSTER MATES campaign but still need some more bloodcurdling backers to reach our goal!

36 pages of brand new comics goodness from , & !

Back us from as little as a fiver!

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The latest MONSTER MATES backer update features recommendations for great new comics by & PLUS some cool art by & !

Check it out!

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Exactly two weeks left of the MONSTER MATES Kickstarter campaign! £987 needed to make target!

I reckon we'll need around 80 more backers to get us over the line - will one of them be YOU?

Check out the page!

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It seems ridiculous calling this fan art but here are a couple of MONSTER MATES pieces by & -ridiculous skill levels!

Back the comic here:

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MONSTER MATES is nearly two thirds funded but we need more bloodcurdling backers to make it happen!

Vampires! Werewolves! Friendship! Laughs! What's not to like?

Check out the page and back us if you like what you see!

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You can't spell 'friend' without 'fiend'!

Back MONSTER MATES on Kickstarter!

36 pages of heartfelt comedy from , & !

Check out the story synopsis below!

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Once again, a big thanks to everyone who is supporting the MONSTER MATES campaign with RTs & posts, we can't thank you enough.

...and BTW, if you have podcast, I'd love to talk to you about MONSTER MATES and the rest of my upcoming stuff. Hit up my DMs!

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