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Auf der Suche nach Steve Trevor findet Wonder Woman den heißesten Macro-Jaguar diesseits des Mainstream-Comics.😍
Dieser Saftbolzen taucht zwar nur kurz auf, der Rest des Comics aus dem @PaniniVerlag entschädigt aber mit viel Action, Außerirdischen und Cheetah. Jetzt erhältlich!
A gay ex-cop faces down supernatural forces in the new 1940s crime noir graphic novel DASH by @debersol
& @dcgable (with additional comics by @ricomics & @VonGormanArt) from @northwestpress.
Available now to all over Europe!
Niemand feiert wie die #MouseGuard. Dieses wunderbare Motiv von David Petersen ist jetzt als 1000-teiliges Puzzle zu haben.🐭⚔️🍺
Party like a medieval mouse. This beautiful @mouseguard scene is now available as a 1000 pieces puzzle.😍
Ahh!! You can now find sample pages for all the comics and art books of independent artists and backed projects in our #VirtualEFBooth: https://t.co/g7kGKTtcpP😊
(Illustration by @Revaivwra / from WOLF DOODLES RELOADED)
Chunky Babes, foxy boys and fluffy fun - the art books by @InukiLovesSteak (and @TinyFlyThing) are hot and sweet at the same time.
Stories from the lush history of the Battlecats, lots of beautiful character profiles and... zombies?
BATTLECATS - TALES OF VALDERIA by @MarkLondonMCS, Michael Camelo and Mauricio Villarreal is a fun ride and a must have for all (come to be) BATTLECATS fans.⚔️
Hand-picked projects like Furry Trash or Beyond and books by @Karmakat01, @Kandrel and the man formerly known as Alflor Aalto - the novels & anthologies of @rvcomics have now their owne page (again): https://t.co/RorvBHRGAE😀 #FurryBookMonth
Lately quite a few German comics got published in German AND English language by their German publishers!👍 2/3
PIMO & REX AND THE INTERNATIONAL WEDDING by @ThomasWellmann (from @rotopolpress) is the second comic published like this.
We ship both versions to all over Europe! ;-)
Der Oktober ist #FurryBookMonth. Ein ganzer Monat im Zeichen anthropomorpher Geschichten und ihrer Schöpfer_innen.📚
Deshalb gibt es den ganzen Monat 15% Rabatt auf unserer englischsprachigen Romane & Anthologien!
Unsere aktuelle Bestandsliste als PDF: https://t.co/f9XaBw9Bup