Futurama Factoramaさんのプロフィール画像

Futurama Factoramaさんのイラストまとめ

Bringing you #Futurama facts like it's our job!

フォロー数:34 フォロワー数:1045

. does the voice of Chaz, the mayor's aid in The Why of Fry. Check out those eyebrows.

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Zoidberg salutes Nixon when he calls Planet Express because Matt Groening felt someone should react if the president calls.

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In Love and Rockets, Bender mentions being a "cuddly baby tapir." Earlier, the Planet Express ship expressed her love of tapirs at the zoo, and they're also in the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey which is a reference all over this episode.

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There was a whole segment in Kif Gets Knocked up a Notch where he meets his family in the forest and has to go on a quest to find items for the birthing ritual that got cut. Bill Odenkirk says there was enough for a whole new episode.

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That's a New Bedford accent does for Elzar

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The original line for "You call that a pressed ham?" was "You call that an anus?"

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Mom's hair is supposed to look like Dracula in Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula

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In Yo Leela Leela, Fry is seen playing a trombone and composer was asked to make it sound bad but not too bad. He actually brought in a highschool student to record a session but it sounded too bad for what they wanted. What we hear on the show is a synthesizer

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The talking devil head tattoo Amy gets in Three Hundred Big Boys is in the style of

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One of the creatures Alcazar transforms into is a Yith from HP Lovecraft's A Shadow Out of Time

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