Pridezeros Krizeros @ comms openさんのプロフィール画像

Pridezeros Krizeros @ comms openさんのイラストまとめ

Art 🇨🇦 🇲🇽- They/Them - ADHD BPD - Pansex/ro - Lv24 💚Danganronpa💚 Hero Main 💚 XB3 💚 Hopeful Canadian Hopeful Dreams 💚 i post sketches here @pastxdespair

フォロー数:1126 フォロワー数:8417

What if Hajime was a DLC character for Well I made what his tagline might be as well as his alts!

33 120

I don’t normally redraw memes but this one moved me

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I remember watching the Hajime Hinata John Mulaney videos back in 2014 and the fact that it’s a meme now makes me happy.

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Drew one of the best boys in Kid Icarus Uprising I fucking love Blapi.
Plus the colour scheme I use in smash bros.

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Classic pit doodle. Back on my Kid Icarus high man I forgot how much I love this series.

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Shigu shigu shigu.

I need more shigu in my life. I hadn’t drawn him in a while sooooooooooooo

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Its my boys birthday today! I love Hajime and you should too. Happy birthday my main man <3 oh and merry 2019mas.

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My favourite danganronpa character, this man deserves the world and more.

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My girl Leaf and my boi Ivysaur back in smash make me so happy man. I also use the Hilda alt for her since 1. Gen5 is my second favourite gen and 2. The alt for ivysaur is the best one imo.

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Thanks a lot to for commissioning me! I love when I get unique commissions like this, drawing Mimi from as a human in the style of danganronpa! Seriously this made me so happy to draw since SPM is one of my favourites! Thanks again!

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