G1 Grimlockさんのプロフィール画像

G1 Grimlockさんのイラストまとめ

Transformers / Superheroes Comic / Mecha Anime / Godzilla Monsterverse / MCU / DC / SW / Dinosaurs / Tokusatsu/ and Anime. cosplay.

フォロー数:5346 フォロワー数:4253

Bantor is the only Fuzor to have never appeared in Japanese continuity; every other Fuzor mold has appeared as a Fuzor or Blentron in Beast Wars Metals, Beast Wars Neo, or Legends.

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Beast Wars Universe goes on to say that Onyx Primal's black color scheme was chosen by his designer to enhance the mold's inherent resemblance to DC Comics' Batman.

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Brainstorm is colored in his Marvel Comics colors rather than his color scheme seen in "The Rebirth", with his dark green and orange being replaced with cyan and yellow.

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Glyph's appearance in the text story "Flames of Yesterday" is based on a generic crowd-filler character who appeared in the The Transformers episode "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4". However, Glyph is not meant to be the generic.

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Lightbright is a direct homage to the Animated character of the same name.

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There is also a Generations Selects Leader Galvatron and a Shattered Glass Jetfire.

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Nightbird is included as a Nissan GTR. She is also a Terrorcon. Purplish grey in color. She is a modernized version of the G1 character of the same name. Facemask with robo looking hood.

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For no apparent reason, Vortex did not appear alongside the other Combaticons in IDW Publishing's 2012-2014 "season 1" of the Robots in Disguise comic series.

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According to the Walmart computer database, there seemed to have been plans at some point for a War Within version of Brawl in the 6" Titanium Series line. No other evidence of these plans has come to light.

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While Thunderwing is a mostly faithful adaptation of his 2010 Generations figure.

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