G1 Grimlockさんのプロフィール画像

G1 Grimlockさんのイラストまとめ

Transformers / Superheroes Comic / Mecha Anime / Godzilla Monsterverse / MCU / DC / SW / Dinosaurs / Tokusatsu/ and Anime. cosplay.

フォロー数:5346 フォロワー数:4253

Will more Shattered Glass Collection toys like Blurr, Megatron and Starscream.

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According to director Tim Story, Galactus' true form was purposefully obscured in order to fully reveal the character's appearance in a Silver Surfer spin-off movie.

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We must know about the Celestials Origin story in Eternals

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The Eternals are a race of near-immortal beings genetically engineered by the Celestials, who have inhabited Earth amongst human society for over 35,000 years.

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In terms of general appearance, the unintified Hollow Earth Titan possesses a skull significantly larger than Godzilla's and does not seem to have limbs.

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Transformers Legacy Listings
The Stunticons Deluxe Dead End, Drag Strip, Breakdown, Wild Rider, Commander class Motormaster.
Deluxe TFP Arcee
Voyager Straxus and Blitzwing.

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Sideswipe's working name during early development of Robots in Disguise was Fastlane. This makes sense, as Sideswipe's overall personality is quite similar to the original Fastlane (an immature, thrill-seeking showoff).

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Studio Series 2022 release, is Dark of the Moon Bumblebee. So yes, we'd be getting Bumblebee movie Arcee and Soundwave before Hatchet, which at this point do not have a planned release.

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Studio Series "Dinobot Slug" is the second Dinobot to receive the Leader Class treatment in the Studio Series 86 subline after Grimlock. A remarkably faithful rendition of his animation model from the "Generation 1" cartoon.

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G'nur's name was revealed on Twitter by Andrew Griffith, and described as a "Decepticon version of Rung". He was nicknamed by Josh Perez, the issue's colorist. It's pronounced "Gunner".

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