

27 - Hispanic - School Teacher - Fortnite/DBD/OW2

フォロー数:1093 フォロワー数:164

Will he throw his petals?

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We need a legendary character rework. They should work similar to Smash Ultimate. They share a slot but have their own outfits, a sub character.

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Don’t forget about Jet Set Radio Future as well!

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These were planned to release not long after the first wave of RE stuff but then RE4 Remake was announced. So Capcom decided it was a better marketing move to delay it to match the new games release. Expect Leon RE2 and RE4. Claire with have her RE2 look, hope RECV style

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I’m expecting Iron Fist and Electra soon. Iron Fist is rooted in Asian culture and Electra fights The Hand, usually evil ninjas.

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Reminds me of the Search and Destroy Challenges in 2020

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I'll take Yellow Jacket with Modok bb

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All Might or Nomu from MHA

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During The Oathbound Quest Stellan takes about a being. A Shapeless Man who watches with dark purpose. Some speculate to be The Nothing, the master of The Last Reality. I also believe it could be Geno Prime. The original Geno shown in The Collison Event before Zero War Geno.

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