

私は特撮が大好きなクレイジーなバカアメリカ人です。🇺🇸 機械翻訳を使って、簡単な日本語の文章でコミュニケーションをとっています。特撮に対する理解を深めたい。ゴジラ、ウルトラマン、仮面ライダー、宇宙刑事、大魔神が大好きです。死ぬまで日本の特撮を楽しみたいです。

フォロー数:8288 フォロワー数:8792

Biollante Rose Form concepts.

8 14

Further Biollante concept.


2 4

Mecha-Ghidorah concepts.
Shoulder pads, pretty cool!

21 26

Enemy monsters of course were quite dull but Zilla Jr clearly made by writers to be closer to real Godzilla, heat ray and indestructible.

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Zilla Jr the cartoon series.
At the time I did not watch, as anger at 98 version was still fresh. Did not see until I was an adult.

12 22

TMNT Tournament Fighter (Mutant Warriors in Japan) artwork by
Takemasa Miyoshi

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