Gabbo de la Parraさんのプロフィール画像

Gabbo de la Parraさんのイラストまとめ

Hijo de Yemaya. M/M writer.
Cat Guy. Knitter.
Beards, Tats & Hotness Enthusiast.
Living in Music City.
#MMromance #MenOfGabbo

フォロー数:2732 フォロワー数:1079

Hey if BooBoo can time travel, he can have Father Xmas kneel before him too. We know that blood is magical.

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Empleada Domestica en Tokio busca nuevo dueño. Solo sempais solventes…

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You asked the AI for Buddha.
The AI understood Gold from the Red Rising Saga.

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Loto Blume, a Treasure Agent fighting the forces of darkness alongside a hunky Demon Hunter in South America

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I have a fondness for Chinese Fantasy series and these two can act circles around certain fantasy characters from a certain series from a certain marketplace but the girl's character can be the most obnoxious tee double u at sign ever written.

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