Gabrielle Faustさんのプロフィール画像

Gabrielle Faustさんのイラストまとめ

Acclaimed horror & sci fi author. Entertainment journalist. New Orleans Vampire Royalty, singer & collector of voodoo dolls. Columnist for Weird Tales Magazine.

フォロー数:37969 フォロワー数:49139

Excited to say I have finished the first pass edits to first book in THE CADAVER DOGS series and emailed it to my agent this afternoon!

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Just crossed the 10k word.mark for the first book in my new werewolf series THE CADAVER DOGS!

After almost a decade of focusing primarily on writing vampire fiction where my novels have been concerned, it has been really exciting to dive into this new mythology.

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Wishing everyone a productive week! Now...what was i supposed to be working on?

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I had this weird realization today. That only really a horror writer would come to. The COVID virus looks suspiciously like Pinhead from Hellraiser. Did someone get ahold of the puzzle box????

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How talk to flies annoying them in their homes while trying to write...

"Wait! You're alive!? *gasp* This can't be! I thought I had killed you! Leave me alone or you'll end up like your brothers. Hear me Mr. Fly? I will show you no mercy!"

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A little sketch of Pan looking smug and skeptical. Made me think of my dear friend Jeffrey Lord, the living and breathing embodiment of Pan if there ever was one... :)

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