

Have you met the Galaxsaurs yet? Award-winning Australian illustrator Tony Bela, has released his first kids book. It’s dinosaurs in space. Get your copy now.

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taking the kids, 13, 11, and 8 years old to see see solo on Sunday, can’t wait for the ride, thanks Ron for your service, big fan of Apollo 13, when are you doing the sequel, Apollo 11

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my dragon figure plus a look our suits

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have you heard about the the new kids by multi-award-winning Australian illustrator/aurthor Tony Bela, about in space, the book has no publisher yet, jump on board

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have you heard about the the new kids by multi-award-winning Australian illustrator/aurthor Tony Bela, about in space, the book has no publisher yet, jump on board

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May the fifth be with you... always. (I’m in Australia, we are 24 hour in advance of your civilisation) From the

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would like to wish everyone a happy May the 4th and oh by the way, may the forth be with you... always.

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Hop on board with us, we’ll show you how to really fly in space, we’ve been doing it for millions of years

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