

26 | She/Her | All round geek who's just here for fun and positivity.

Currently working through a Power Girl phase

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:2239

I love these two so much please bring them back

2 35

You don't understand the choke hold this character has me in lmao

1 37

Midnight is canonically a switch and is a prime example of "Find a girl who can do both" 😂

2 24

One thing I think the Dragon Ball movies do a lot better than the actual series is that for the most part the locations and backgrounds are WAY more interesting, especially for the settings of the fights

12 76

If Murata wants to continue doing manga work when One Punch Man is done I need him to do a Street Fighter manga because Holy Shit I think that's his true calling

5 27

Who y'all got in a fight?

Specifically talking about Z if that's not clear

3 35

This is what I imagine when I read big dilf Dan btw

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