

26 | She/Her | All round geek who's just here for fun and positivity.

Currently working through a Power Girl phase

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:2239

If we're being real though the DB character with the actual most potential is HER

1 32

Hope this cheers up your day

7 45

Based off the draft pages this is my prediction for how the next DBS chapter is gonna go lmao

1 42

Imagine these 4 top tier bullshitters facing off in a bluffing contest where they're all trying to convince the other 3 that it's pointless to fight them because they're unbeatable lmao

6 56

Happy birthday to Mt Lady!

Fun fact, according to her bio, despite being a rising star and one of the highest ranking heroes she's always struggling financially because her funds go to fixing the collateral damage she causes with her quirk lol

Hope she has a role in the finale

2 35

2 of the most popular manga now compared with 2 of the most popular manga from like 35+ years ago, none of them look remotely alike, and these are just from one genre

What "design prison" is manga apparently stuck in?

5 37

The artists that do the memory artwork in Ultra Impact are really good, some of them heavily reference shots from the anime but I love most of them

0 22

BTW someone blocked me today when literally all I did was reply with zero text and this image

No prizes for guessing why lmao

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