

I make videos and do voices and draw things. Team member of @didyouknowgamin and all-around editor, scripter, researcher.

フォロー数:267 フォロワー数:2141

Aside from Seviper and Yanmega, each 'mon in Team Rocket's Sinnoh crew share a voice with one of the main four. Carter Cathcart (James, Meowth, Carnivine), Michele Knotz (Jessie, Dustox, Mime Jr.(DP01-52) ) and Kayzie Rogers (Wobbuffet, Mime Jr (DP52 - 191).

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Anyone have any old Pokemon merch that has this exact Meowth pose on it? I feel like it was everywhere when Pokemon came to North America.

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The final batch of episodes for Pokemon Master Journeys drops today on US Netflix. The next season, Pokemon Ultimate Joruneys, makes it debut in Canada in two days!

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Everyone knew she loved parrots, and seeing Chatot in 2006, she knew she'd voice it if the show stayed at 4Kids. In 2008, she'd play Chatot in a Mystery Dungeon Special, marking her last appearance in Pokemon before her passing. Chatot looked just like Jake, too!

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Ash's Corphish was first voiced by Maddie Blaustein - the voice was modeled after Maddie's pet parrot named Jake, who she'd watch Pokemon with at home. She wanted to find a way to get his voice in the show, and later taught him to say "Corphish". (cont.)

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So I finished watching Shaman King last night. Overall I say it was pretty okay. Highpoints include the voice acting, some good fight scenes and jokes, buuut something about the story didn't feel quite right, and the ending was a bit meh. Still glad I watched it, though.

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Sly 4 was fan-tastic looking!

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I know Jessie and James had black outfits in early press releases, but some say they first appeared in Coro Coro Comics April '97 issue. I checked it out and they're nowhere to be found, but would anyone know where I could find a source for any of this? perhaps?

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When your DVR claims a new Molly McGee is airing but it's a rerun, and next week's episode is new, but completely skips the one they were supposed to air...

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In my search to see if Meowth was based on Muttley from Wacky Races, I found someone trying to add that fact on wikipedia back in 2010, using the same freehosting site I came across. They said to cite a book called "Pokemon Story" instead so it looked legit.

Bunk? We'll see.

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