

🎨: orca-art.tumblr.com | ☕: ko-fi.com/gateaulorange | ⚡: @MindGames_87

フォロー数:328 フォロワー数:2162

The Vid-Squids... as humans!! (and all of them this time??)

I kinda want to make a second set of these with my other characters, but we'll see...

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Love hurts.... Especially if your girlfriend is an anemone!! ⚡

A bit late for Valentine's Day, but a big thank you to @/BlueNeKoWitch for coloring my messy sketch!! (I would have cleaned it more, but I ran out of time 😵)

12 117

After 1000 years, I introduce a new character... so here's Howie! Saying he's "close" friends with Austin would be a stretch, but they hang out a lot, so there's that. He's not the most reliable friend, but he knows how to have a good time so... worth it?

14 150

Don't let these guys fool u, they're not talking about Austin, but someone else.... who's very cursed....

0 8

I've been seeing this idea on my feed, and after mulling it over, I'll join in too!

One like = 1 fact about Austin

(Tbh I'm a little nervous, so I think I might switch things up and give facts about my other characters sometimes if I run out of things to say... 😅)

13 263

For fun, my art summaries from the past three years...

3 33

Sooo I hope it's not too late, but after thinking about it too much, I decided to make an art summary for 2018. I love how you can pin-point the moment I peaked 😂

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Some extras... (Purple guy hasn't been officially introduced yet, one day tho 😅)

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Seeing a bunch of people make these on my feed, so I had to make my squids!! These are so fun and the style is really cute??

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Also, for fun as a comparison, here's the Lucas I drew years back when he was revealed as DLC for SSB Wii U/3DS!!

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