

Concept art and anime bullshit.

フォロー数:344 フォロワー数:8649

On the other hand yes dude give me ALL the Zeta era kits.

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Takabatake Enaga, the author of Latin passed away today. A damn shame and way too young. Hope his other work gets translated some day.

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Aw yee lets goooo

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Exhausted but can't sleep, so here's some of what I've been working on the past few months. It's not finished yet, but I'm getting there.

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I'm in love...

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Some absolutely stunning art direction (relying on visual storytelling over exposition) also helps.

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This might be the ugliest Gundam I've seen since Destiny and it's literal tears of blood nonsense.

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Also, one of the fantasy games notable for not having gendered armor, and you give your protagonist boobplate?

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Haha goddamn, the Dark Souls comic tie-in is terrible. NOTHING Dark Souls related should have this much talking.

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Okay, I'm not particularly interested in the MG Red Warrior, but goddamn is that boxart fantastic.

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