Boring doodle of a possible set of protags for a story I've been thinking about. Problem is I can't see myself writing about people who aren't kind of horrible and/or messed up? They're too wholesome, I need to corrupt something here but without making them unlikeable.
Pre-World Domination arc stuff. Fukuda is so alone with this disaster child who wants to destroy the organization they’re both stuck in somebody help him– Oh, wait.
Also, 11~12-year-old Shou is really, really entertaining to write.
An incident mentioned in chapter 6 of The End of the World as You Know It, in which Shou is 11 and Fukuda has very recently been assigned to look after him.
I think I need one more Claw bad guy who's more uhh... physical.
Me, chanting: Werewolf guy, wEREWOLF GUY!!
Also me: No, mp100 characters look average and only vaguely resemble their powers.
Solution? Put werewolf guy in a lame tracksuit.