

Mythology, History, Storytelling: the Godyssey podcast is a deep dive into our shared humanity through gods. 3 seasons currently out!

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She was made from flowers to break a curse and give Lleu a wife, but the woman born of flowers would grow, develop her own will, find her own heart. And as she became her own person, Blodeuwedd came to be reviled.

🖼: C. Williams

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Djinni live in all manner of places but a popular place is the shadows of tree, hoping to get out of the sun. So, when hiding from the sun yourself, watch your step and make clear your presence: Djinni are rarely forgiving of the insult of sitting on them.

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Protector of uncultivated woods and wild places, the Roman god Silvanus loves things that grow at their own pace, whether field or forest. He protects against overbearing humans but also against wolves that might steal cattle, making him popular.

🖼: MatsyaDas

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Druids are associated with keeping groves for their sacred meetings, cultivating elder, ash, yew, and apple trees depending on the Celtic culture. From Asia Minor to Brittany, Galicia to Scotland, the oak held the universal centerpiece as most important tree

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Dagon was a Phoenician fertility god of sea and farms, who brought storms and bounty. Appearing as a merman, he fascinated the author H.P. Lovecraft, who turned him into a monstrous Old One, a god of the sea that predated mankind on Earth and served the stars.

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Water is no impediment to Djinni, who can be found in shadows and caves beneath the waves and come up to trick and taunt sailors of any kind. Tales speak of bandit djinn who steal from sailors or else sink their ships, but also djinn who save them.

🖼: S2Ari

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The akugyo (悪魚) has the head and arms of a woman and breathes fire, a malevolent Japanese mermaid who ensnares the ships of sailors in rocks and then breaks the ship, devouring them. Japanese lords have tried to take her down, and failed.


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For eight days the stranger anguished without food or water until at last the boy could take it no more, ignoring his father's orders and giving Grimnir food and water before the fire. Grimnir thanked him, before revealing he was Odin, come with a reckoning.

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Why do spiders have eight thin legs? Anansi the Spider was invited to eight meals and wanted to go to all of them, so he had one foot at each table: he was stretched so thin for want of food, his legs became thinner than strings!

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Cuchulainn was practically unbeatable in battle, a tradeoff for his two geas: the first was he was unable to deny food offered him, simple enough; but the second was that if he ate dog meat, he would meet his doom defending Ulster.

🖼: S. Reid

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