Today in Golarionさんのプロフィール画像

Today in Golarionさんのイラストまとめ

Current and historical events in Golarion, from an Inner Sea perspective. Unofficial. Links may have spoilers. they/them

フォロー数:986 フォロワー数:3242

14 Erastus: Founding Festival (#Korvosa,
An all-night party filled with fireworks and alcohol commemorating the founding of the city.

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Goblin Flea Market (#Andoran)
A market day that focuses on unusual crafts and offers games to children who dress up for the occasion.

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Summer Solstice: The Moot of Ages (Isle of Green Faith)
An annual meeting, hosted by the druids of the Lodge, to present their findings to the assembled Green Faith community.

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20 Sarenith: Blossom Parade (#Jolizpan,
The biggest event during the Blossom Festival is a parade of floats, performers, and music that travels throughout the City of Flowers, ending with a large dance in Plaza.

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23 Desnus 4307 AR: Pathfinder Society Founded (Absalom)
This occurred after a pub crawl resulted in a promise to meet in the Wounded Wisp each year to share stories of their exploits.

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3816 AR: Iomedae joins the Shining Crusade*
The mortal joined the Shining Crusade to aid in the struggle against the forces of the Whispering Tyrant.

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4710 AR: Satirical play Abrogail I opens (#Pezzack,
The disastrous debut of Amalia Wraxton's satirical blasphemous play I at the Glass on the Hill sparked a violent rebellion known as the

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31 Kuthona: The Final Day (#Groetus)
Cultists of perform an hour's silence at dusk on the last day of the year seeking guidance from their god about the End Time.

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Winter Solstice: (#Shelyn)
Holiday marked by the creation of artistic works, and the start of romantic courtships.

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5577 AR: Birthday of Leiralt Odranti, the Lost Prince (#Ustalav)*
Son of Prince Knoldaman he was a rebellious anti-monarchist who seemed set on destroying the entire aristocracy with his radical notions.

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