のイラストはいよいよできた!🌸c( ॑꒳ ॑ 🌸c) 🌸🌼🐰✨

Today is day, also known as Hanami in Japan - the perfect day to see the flowers and the final prompt too!

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It is done sayang! And good night :3

Larielle and I helped to regrow the flowers of Pompon in Postknight 2!

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20 Sarenith: Blossom Parade (#Jolizpan,
The biggest event during the Blossom Festival is a parade of floats, performers, and music that travels throughout the City of Flowers, ending with a large dance in Plaza. https://t.co/WKUTDKah5x

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🌸 begins in and

From Feb 10th, trade event tokens in for exclusive items and earn lovely memories! 💖

Blossom Festival ends on Feb 28th, 10AM (GMT+8)!

💐 Postknight 2:

💐 Postknight:

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🌸 servers will be on in preparation for the Update!

📣 Maintenance Schedule
Feb 7th, 10AM to 12PM (GMT +8).

You will not be able to access the game during this time.

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April 10 is the last day of the National Cherry Blossom Festival! How did you celebrate?

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Decided to join the and indicative in the participating with my piece for the challenge.
Inspired on the skins and dif artists mainly .
Hope you guys like me as a healer with a kick.🌸💠

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Spirit Blossom Ahri ~ 🌸
Pour !

Un plaisir d'avoir pu la dessiner parce que ce design un vrai coup de cœur. 👌

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Spring has sprung! This little experiment is one I painted over the weekend, tweaking how I combine ink and watercolor. 🌸🍒🇺🇸

✨Collect this original watercolor painting at https://t.co/9llXo40dZs

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