

アニメーター // 作画監督 ||| 現在、RA CRAFTに在籍中, 勤務先連絡先電話番号 - 03-5324-0848 || JOJO Stone Ocean | ONE PIECE | Urusei Yatsura | DMDP | CSM | Undead Unluck | Re:Zero

フォロー数:1202 フォロワー数:49881

All of Morioh is 3D modeled
Here's example of them reusing Rohans house model between Part 4 anime and first 2 Rohan OVA's. They only changed sprites for bushes and trees aswell as colors but otherwise it's the same 3D model

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DP nerfed Jojo shoes with Stone Ocean. I'm going with more of a Part 5 approach

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of style compared to his work on last Rohan OVA's, you could put them together in one show and they wouldn't look that out of place

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lower angles etc.). Realistically if Shunichi Ishimoto (chara designer for Rohan OVA's, recently he's done designs for Stone Ocean stands) became the chara designer for SBR his designs would look like most recent Rohan OVA's. His stuff for SO also hardly looks any diff in terms

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It also mixing in stylistic elements of Part 4 anime does not help. Characters have skintones like they're made out of paper + the flat shading + not being able to do certain Jojo style quirks since those been ommited in DiU anime (tire shoulders, stylised way of drawing jaws at

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Matsukabe Hill doesn't exactly do SBR style justice, it more tries to make it look consistent with the previous OVA by keeping the chubbier Jojolion look. It's my least liked Rohan OVA becouse of also how its directed, it omits a lot of good panels for no reason

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Gray with purplish/blue'ish tone + white hair like Pucci could be neat. Also good way of making her more distinct than making her feel like Gloria rehash 🏃

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Going off how DP colored Wrangler in anime I wonder if they'll also make Perla a full on blonde while ignoring the distinction between tones in her hair

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