Belinda Grimbeekさんのプロフィール画像

Belinda Grimbeekさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:1696 フォロワー数:638

PIG’S EGG written by Katherine Sully and illustrated by Sam Chaffey.

Pig’s Egg was written in response to seeing a butterfly land on a turnip on our allotment. The book subsequently found a home with a publisher.

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BIG CAT by Ethan Long

A fun book signed by Ethan Long himself. We had the pleasure of meeting him at a SCBWI event a few years ago. This book is just one of over 132 books he’s written to date. Pretty impressive!

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It’s official…have no idea what the craze is about, but it’s quite fun.


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Today is book birthday for THE VERY THIRSTY BUTTERFLY
(June 2, 2020). Always fun to remember the making of this debut picture book❤️🦋🦋🦋

And this day is special for another really big reason. It’s both my sister’s birthdays too! They’re twins! Double the fun!

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A good teacher helps our children to try even when it seems overwhelming. TRYING, by f and encourages us like that favorite teacher in school, the one who inspired with kindness, spoke with intentionality and gave encouragement to jump out the nest…

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A really big thanks to the ‘mid-wives’ who have helped deliver HELLO MOM.
Nicole Schrader and Bethany sen Boer

I’m also most grateful to Jesus who gave me the ideas, words, creativity and ability to make this book!

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HELLO MOM tells the story of a single cell growing into a new born while inside her mother’s womb.

She talks to her mother, she describes how her body is developing, she is a wonder, a hope, and a dream of possibilities.

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Very excited!

*NEW RELEASE* of HELLO MOM to be published on 25th November 2021! Yes, that’s next month!

It’s only appropriate that the ‘due date’ of my book, written from the perspective of a fetus as she grows from an egg to a newborn baby, is released on my mother’s birthday!

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My first book signing...pretty excited I am...a local bookstore, Tybrisa Books, in downtown Lenoir, NC is hosting the auspicious event on October 10 from 11am-2pm...

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