Grimoire of Horrorさんのプロフィール画像

Grimoire of Horrorさんのイラストまとめ

The Grimoire of Horror oversees The Banshee and The Yurei. We focus on Asian horror, cult cinema, dark art, folklore - anything macabre is to our interest.

フォロー数:179 フォロワー数:846

Tomie with a red hue is officially my favourite - it's such a stylish change as a shock from the usual black and white panels! It totally invents and amplifies a hostile aura!

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These are from Fatal Frame 2 Premium Fandisc's booklet - it proves how Tecmo, who made Dead or Alive, are quite fond of fan service; no wonder about those unlockable outfits in 5!

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We have a review of 'Higurashi: When They Cry - GOU' anime as the latest instalment from the sprawling franchise - be aware there are spoilers ahead!

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Mieruko-chan is set to receive an anime adaptation! The original manga follows an ordinary schoolgirl who's abruptly able to see horrifying monsters and spirits, but humorously takes the attitude to completely ignore these.

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We explore the profound trauma in Neon Genesis Evangelion and victimhood of Shinji who's callously manipulated as an asset to be sacrificed mentally. It depicts PTSD and other mental illness well unlike most other media.

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We have a retrospective of the Fatal Frame trilogy and also the film inspired from these. As the only franchise to properly embody J-Horror with a traditional aesthetic, it's absolutely a cult classic.

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These are the harrowing paintings of 'Insist __' from China, each one representing scenes ranging from a debased family situation in a derelict surrounding to a more spooky scenario of a graveyard with occult relics.

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I manage a community with the largest number of members and it's tedious to decline fan art of but this one from 'Raman' caught my attention as a bespoke illustration that would do even Dorian Gray justice. Follow their IG here:

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The surreal pop art of Alex Gross is undeniably influenced from Japanese illustrators of whacky covers; popular brands are inserted into bizarre scenes of distorted faces and random animals.

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Higurashi is disturbing as a series for intimately following an innocent small town that soon descends into chaos and carnage in different scenarios - all rooted in a native disease locally that infects the brain to cause violent tendencies.

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