

Parody. Not affiliated in any way with Masters of The Universe, Mattel or Filmation.

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:159734

He-Man has just got stuck up a tree and I've told him not to worry - I'll call the fire brigade.

I fucking well won't though, obviously.

461 1583

I'm an overlord of evil, an emperor of destruction and a powerful sorcerer of the dark arts, but fuck me I can't resist a good selfie.

265 939

That moment when you've been out all day doing some evil meddling and realise you're not going to make it back in time for Antiques Roadshow

215 712

On my way home and I still can't lose this prick

214 827

I've spent ages trying to think what Prince Adam reminds me of and suddenly it came to me.

An absolute twat.

253 877

Well this is bullshit.

203 605

Beast Man just asked me why I call Quavers 'crisps' when their main ingredient is MSG and not actual potato, so I gave him a massive wedgie.

195 571

That moment when you look forward to opening up your DMs but are disappointed when you find out who your secret admirer is.

138 315

It's Evil-Lyn's birthday, so as a special treat we're nipping out to Argos to get her a new ironing board.

162 365

Just tapped He-Man on the shoulder to remind him that he's a massive fucking twat.

140 279