//=time() ?>
Good morning☀️
Im planning to have a trip next week and so excited!
I dont even remember when I had a trip last time.
Good morning☀️still wondering about capture board… hm I’m planning to have splatoon3 so hopefully I could stream it with the capture board. 今だにキャプチャーボード買えてないんだよなぁ。1万円以内でよさそうなのたくさんあるけど色々ありすぎて悩む(゚o゚; #おはようVtuber
Good morning☀️I like the combination of the color, rime green, pink, and purple!! There are so many cute Vtubers out there with these colors…色って印象凄い変わるから結構大事だよね!今日もみんな上向いて笑顔でね♪ #おはようVtuber
Good morning☀️holidays are over and shachiku life came back...but I spent really good times and could recharge myself😊これからまた社畜頑張ります💪 #おはようVtuber
Good morning☀Imma play Klonoa again! this is so addicted....わっふぅ! #おはようVtuber #twitchstreamers https://t.co/nXhQWMUN4V
Good morning🌞世間は3連休らしいですが、私は通常通り☆彡今日は久々にタワーマンションをまた建設するよ♪https://t.co/nXhQWNcnWt #おはようVtuber
おそようございます🌞since I hit my pinky toe so much and hurts a bit, so I feel like it's broken....足の小指粗末にしがち~~~。なんかここ数日痛いんよなぁ、折れてんのかなぁ?(꒪꒳꒪;) #おはようVtuber
Here is wasabi's cupcake☆彡Do you think actual wasabi is in it?( *¯ ꒳¯*) Thank u for the tag Rima chan <3 I want to see what kind of cupcakes you guys will make,@Keiri_C and @eniran0921 ✧✧
Good morning🌞had a first time squall here yesterday and was kinda panicking :0 hope everyone has a wonderful day☆昨日の突然のスコールは初体験だったなぁ。とりあえず昨日マイクラ買ったので遊んでみる。#おはようVtuber #twitchstreamer
Good morning☀️rainy rainy I cant hang the laundry outsideeeee ただでさえ湿気が多い国なので雨の日の洗濯は死活問題(´・ ・`) #おはようVtubar