

Compte flood d'un bébé game artist 2D ~


フォロー数:526 フォロワー数:85

Thank you so much for this thread!
I'm Ori from France Nice to meet ya all!

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Hi I'm Ori I like to draw things 'w'

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Hi! I'm Ori!
Frenchy game art student!
I'm more on Instagram or artstation, but thanks for this thread! :)
They are sooo many talented artist here!

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Here's a illustration for a school project, based on a chara design I did for the same project, her name is Yama.
She's inspired by HOTS/Blizzard designs !

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Yaaaay !
I'm working on a fortune wheel based on the Ecaflip God!
So here's an Ecaflip God Dofus I did !
I really enjoy doing dofus's stuff !

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I'm doing other things than i do most of the time: cute things
So here some abomination things in a painterly style !

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Sorry, I'm not posting very often.
I don't feel good for now, insomnias are back.
I'll be fine soon, I Hope.

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