

Former twitter hosting for "October's Run", a Girls' Frontline fan-comic.

Do not follow: this account is inactive.

Go here instead: @CielHunterNorwd

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I figured I should compile the GFL chibi emotes I made back when. They are mostly 1x because I saw no point in resizing them. Feel free to use them. (hopefully twitter didn't murder the transparency)

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Since Kirby is seeing a revival, time to bring back this super old shitpost I made for when MP5's mod3 came to EN.

Shout-out to SIR The Artist who made the original as part of a GG animated.

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-I'm getting inspired by random things, and I dunno why.-

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A small bit of the next comic just to break the dry spell.

No character is safe from being the butt of a joke.

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An omake of sorts. Part of a collective joke-posting among chibi posers/comic makers.

Featuring from the Pigeon May Cry series.

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Messing with what Ramius looked like back when he was still a creature of meat and bone.

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Shiki is the absolute zero.

Fitting, huh?

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I was always a fan of SV-98, and I did field her in tandem with Spring when I first started.

So, naturally, the Echelon leader has to keep her former subordinate in line.

And then no one noticed the cactuar hiding behind the supplies.

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