

I draw MK chibi fanart to relieve daily work pressure.
Feel free to repost my art on any media,just link the original source is ok.
❤:MK11 Shangtsung

フォロー数:1156 フォロワー数:3499

Some sketches about mk1 goro…
I can't stop laughing when watching the gameplay video, especially hearing Raiden and Liukang's screaming…😂
I gonna draw something 🤣

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is obviously not focusing on learning…
I saw sketches about 19-year-old on GamePro
So I also made a version of mine~😄

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(WIP)My brainstorm:
Shangtsung was a handsome dude,but after working for Shaokhan, he became an old man😂
Quanchi had hair before he following Shinnok…😂
Then, 2 sorcerers in Netherrealm found they were in the same boat…so they formed an alliance🤣LOL…

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Old photos from 2016🤭
Interesting coincidences:
My bestie's surname is also "Shu(苏)"
Her personality is very similar to as well, kind and pure …
Many people say we look similar to each other…🤣
OMG…Game inspiration comes from real life…

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Got the idea from Chinese Chess… the chess "卒":soldier/death
Eternal life also means lose a lot…😢

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From Baraka's Ending🤭
got Blaze's power, finished Shaokhan and Onaga, then he choice as his queen…
baby daughter is going to marry the wasteland cretin!? Nooooo…"😫

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When I talked about hair problem with my colleague, I thought about Quanchi…👨‍🦲😂Did he used to have hair before he came to Netherrealm…?🤣

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Parody of poster of 1(One of MK's inspiration )
Evil Queen, mortal, ghost(demon),Taoist Priest and swordsman ~

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LOL…New trailer~ I like this one🤭
(Kunglao is very jealous of this couple…😤)😄

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