

sleepy eyed librarian; likes tea, cosplay, and dragons; tends to drop her phone a lot

フォロー数:111 フォロワー数:81

Once upon a time, a girl brought her grandmother some food. But a wolf had hidden himself in her grandmother’s bed. “Who is there?” cried the wolf when the girl knocked, forgetting to disguise his voice. Little Red Riding Hood thought her grandmother had a bad cold.

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Once upon a time, a kingdom was overrun with rats. A piper offered to lead the rats away using a magic flute. But once the rats were gone, the kingdom refused to pay. He played his magic flute once more—but instead of rats, now the children followed him into the caves

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Trying to guess Graham's ages:

Ch1: 18
(+3 as knight?)
Prologue: 21
Ch2: 22
(+8 for Taylor Fey)
Ch3: 30

If correct, Graham must have his birthday quickly after being crowned: might it happen in the goblin prison? Wente would certainly remember and make him a special sweetycake~

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom suffering greatly without a ruler. A miracle occurred, and a sword appeared embedded within a stone, and it was inscribed with these letters: Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is rightwise king.

(a depondable folktale.)

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needs more purple au: because purple is my absolute favorite color and we should embrace that fact.

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When you need change, and you want to coin a new life for yourself, there’s no better place to spend your time than in the Daventry Town Square.

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When you wanna hang out with the cool knight but only speak two words of his language.

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King Graham is relied upon for his good listening skills. Even if it's a sprawling tale that's a bit flat in the telling.

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Would you believe there's fanfiction by about my absolute favorite King's Quest villain, the sleazy sassball Telgrin who appears only the novel The Floating Castle? Because there is, and I love it with all my (stolen) soul.

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Suddenly fall flat with a bad cold. Decide you want a cup of honey tea to sip slowly before bed. Want to play a game while sipping slowly. Realize you currently don’t have coordination for BotW. Decide kq is a good alternative. Remember you left Graham sick. Commiserate. :(

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