Harry Potter Lexiconさんのプロフィール画像

Harry Potter Lexiconさんのイラストまとめ

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"...the great black dog gave a joyful bark and gamboled around them, snapping at pigeons and chasing its own tail. Harry couldn't help laughing." (OP10)

by Jenny Dolfen

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"...they arrived at the trestle table where the group of captive Bowtruckles were scrabbling around for woodlice like so many living twigs." (OP15)

by Jenny Dolfen

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"Tonks stood just behind him, her bright bubble-gum-pink hair gleaming in the sunlight...wearing heavily patched jeans and a bright purple T-shirt bearing the legend The Weird Sisters." (OP38)

by Jenny Dolfen

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OTD 1997:

Meeting with Dumbledore, Harry views two memories: one of Riddle visiting Hepzibah Smith and then one Riddle asking the Headmaster for the DADA job at Hogwarts (HBP20).

by Ottowl

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Happy Birthday Remus Lupin!

Remus was born in 1960, so if he would have survived the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, today he would be turning 62.

by Makani

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The American editor changed Sybill to Sibyll.

JKR preferred Sybill "because while it keeps the reference to the august clairvoyants of old, it is really no more than a variant the unfashionable female name 'Sybil'" (WW).

by Makani

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Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk (PS8)

by Beastlyworlds

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I love finding depicting something I've never seen an artist illustrate. Here's an example:

"Bag of Dragons" by Beastlyworlds
Harry put his hand into the silk bag and pulled out the Hungarian Horntail (GF20)

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"Padfoot and Prongs"

"You'd have thought Black and Potter were brothers! Inseparable!" (PA10)

One of my favorite works of fan art.

by Scribblerian

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"Wizards don't...use the Internet but that's something you'll find out later on in the series. They have a means of finding out what goes on in the outside world that I think is more fun than the Internet" (RB).

She never revealed what that was.

by gerre

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