

🇭🇹🇺🇸♂️ 24 Man of Faith ✝️
Pixel Artist and Indie Game Dev. I love video games so I draw about 'em! haywirejo.itch.io

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:785

Inspired by that make an OC meme thing and did the natural thing; Poke-fied it!
Did this with some buds to make my first Larvalamp! This was fun!! I encourage anyone to try it out!

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Obligatory nod to Chimney Cable Car. Honestly it all feels obligatory at this point😅. Imma end up regretting leaving out anything.

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Its the obligatory episode where its just the Pokémon!!
(I had super fun making this!) I wanted to make somethin nice for route 114 'cause I also really like that route. Plus! I got to draw my bois Seviper and Zangoose (I love them both). 😄 Idk what else to say... Hoenn good 😅

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Bit of a big one again but I couldn't skimp out on my favorite pokemon route, like. ever. The Spindas, the ash, the SKARMORY😩! Not to mention my favorite part, the music! In a region full of memorable routes, this one certainly stands out!

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More comic stuffs...
This is my second go of it, I'll make a thread of my thoughts on it

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Comic practice, getting that sweet sweet EXP.
Gonna note down some things I'm learnin from makin' this

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Starting off the decade CORRECTLY! Happy New Year and

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Well well well, look who it is✨
In his work outfit to boot✨

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Even mooore of the folks, its back to hoenn content soon I swear😅

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