

🇭🇹🇺🇸♂️ 24 Man of Faith ✝️
Pixel Artist and Indie Game Dev. I love video games so I draw about 'em! haywirejo.itch.io

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:785

Some low stakes drawings of my Pokemon OCs, the Blast Society! Definitely will give 'em a more formal intro sooner or later. Also there will certainly be more of them to come!

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Did somebody say.... QUICK?

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Ughhh😩! This was so satisfying to make. Ooof the problem with this series is that all my ideas have to wait for ST to get there!😅But yea! Special kinda challenge for the fire starter! I honestly can't wait to get outta Lavaridge and continue on with the rest of Hoenn!

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uhhhhhh, sure!
Flygon for you....😅

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"Head straight to the Lavaridge Gym"
…..whattabout those hot springs tho….?

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I made another with friends! Meet Dancine! An evolution of some regional variant of Mantine!
Here were the prompts I got:
Pink (but also disco pattern)
Manta Ray
Dazzling, Soundproof
Higher Attack, Lower Defense
3rd in Evo Line

Dancine vibin'

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Prepares tweet where I make my case *ahem*

'Sup Y'all Im Joe! Im a digital illustrator that also does graphic design. I love bright colors and cartoonish characters. My main muse is video games!

Been workin' up the guts to take on commission work so any support is appreciated✨

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"Woah Mantine! Wai- is Stevanos alright?? Well, whether he's motion sick or just tipsy don't matter! Let's chuck a few T-Bolts their way!"

gets a few T-bolts chucked his way!

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"That mauve trainer there, is a new face! Alright crew! that Espurr's definitely got tricks up its sleeve so be careful! Juke 'em out with flame charge!!"

gets one fiery juke!

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