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We've just posted our reviews for the three latest & Catacombs cards. Check them out here: https://t.co/FGm0cIZrn4 + https://t.co/9soJwEBUYN + https://t.co/AQ4I2pFyxV

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Yes! is back for the final card reveal stream AND he's joining !

If it follows the usual pattern, we should know all 135 cards by the end of Monday.


1 13

In the Frozen Throne meta, Secret Mage and Tempo Mage have merged into a single archetype. Our guide: https://t.co/PgMl0xvkS5

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See all nine Lesser Spellstones and all 18 of their upgrades here in this handy roundup: https://t.co/bPRp6qUPnl

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There are a lot of important 3-Cost cards that frequently make running Prince Taldaram hard to justify. https://t.co/RDGTfApvu7

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A Control meta is certainly possible, but thinks the community would quickly get tired of it. https://t.co/Nz5OnKi7qI

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With all these Jade Druids around, some are turning to Exodia Mage to take advantage of the meta. https://t.co/9MdRY6TDGg

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Scourgelord Garrosh synergizes well with cards that benefit from Whirlwind effects. https://t.co/d5Hb3YOoLq

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All About the Kobolds. Let teach you about 's expansion mascot before the set launches next week! https://t.co/o0zhPFVnBu

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Priests are known for dragons, healing, combos, and high-value cards. More in our Class Overview and Guide: https://t.co/ddzE0ZwcEo

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