

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Our writers are working on their own theorycrafts right now. While we don't have an ETA on those yet, they should be out soon.

But here's a question for you - are there any decks specific decks you'd like us to cover? Let us know if you have any ideas!

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An absolute trooper, has already pumped out a review for each of the 45 cards revealed today!


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Knowing how to keep track of your opponent's cards is an important skill that can help increase your win rate. https://t.co/AVJ3OHmsxl

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A Basic Shaman deck is nice because it already has one of the best removal cards in the game: Hex. Our guide: https://t.co/BbAUdV8yha

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Could Temporus possibly bring back C'Thun Priest before the Old Gods rotate out in a few months? https://t.co/Qj2h2twdSZ

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Despite all of the good 2-Cost cards out there, Prince Keleseth remains a staple of the current meta. https://t.co/m40m9zkjgE

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Final reveal stream with and starts in just over an hour (11 AM PST, 8 PM CET). If, for any reason, you can't watch it live, we'll be posting every new card on our site and social media, so stay tuned! https://t.co/4vNc2iKqhI

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While somewhat competitive, keep in mind the budget version of Zoolock would really benefit from a few legendaries. https://t.co/vPYv6t9MHY

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Learn all about Paladin's unique mechanics, strengths, and weaknesses in our Class Overview series! https://t.co/qecUcPHins

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In Part 4 of our review, is a fan of Psychic Scream, Explosive Runes, and Cataclysm. https://t.co/i4X4asdpSg

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