

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Need something just a little different? Why not try Zananananan's Legend Control Mage? https://t.co/LpJRoVn01z

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Spooky Warrior, Shadowy Priest, Demonic Warlock, and Deathly Rogue. Halloween themed decks: https://t.co/LpKZeN97Nx

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Mazuru broke into the Top 100 Legend players with a Zoolock deck list running Stormwatcher! https://t.co/kLLEdSOEAK

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Halloween is right around the corner! Here are four thematic decks to scare your opponent with! https://t.co/LpKZeN97Nx

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Despite nerfs, Murloc Paladin is still incredibly strong. Jambre's Rank 1 Legend deck list: https://t.co/qvtAEQzAXJ

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What are your favorite Deathstalker Rexxar beasts? https://t.co/eQDzEGCafj

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Gyong's Rank 1 Legend Tempo Rogue: https://t.co/T05IMV0AAt

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Want to get your hands on this golden legendary? Enter our BlizzCon Virtual Ticket giveaway! 7 will win! https://t.co/1G8NgJMkiQ

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Following the latest nerfs, Corpsetaker has taken Hearthstone by storm. https://t.co/A0eJeJdO9U

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