

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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We're rounding up some of the best Legend decks from the last week, including and Legend lists: https://t.co/SyDcdPAHDP

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Priests are known for dragons, healing, combos, and high-value cards. More in our Class Overview and Guide: https://t.co/ddzE0ZwcEo

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Corpsetaker Has Joined the Hearthstone Meta – and It Keeps Spreading https://t.co/A0eJeJdO9U

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Druid is the class for players that enjoy adapting to the board and playing big minions. Our Class Overview: https://t.co/TvpK92FBVx

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Don't just spend your Arcane Dust all willy-nilly! Our Crafting Guide contains an Epic and Legendary Tier List! https://t.co/mB4QEBTKSm

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Tortollans are coming to World of Warcraft! (News via ) https://t.co/XlyqRQzMgV

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MTG and Elder Scrolls: Legends let you heal above your starting health. Hearthstone doesn't and that changes things. https://t.co/mrZ6aDmg1s

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There are actually a good number of cards that can still deal damage to a stealthed hero. https://t.co/sGbYZPyuL1

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Tempo Warrior isn't in the meta by any means, but it is possible if you're a fan. Our guide: https://t.co/m9R6Gvy1by

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Hunter remains a favorite among new players. Let us help you get oriented with the class. https://t.co/HsObtuoNUJ

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