

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Don't know what to do with your Paladin DK Hero? You can try out this Legend OTK Control Paladin by : https://t.co/iGMeYEtaeG

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ICYMI: The BlizzCon schedule is out! Start planning what you're going to go to or watch online! https://t.co/wmq1ojii0Q

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This time next week you can unlock Nemsy Necrofizzle by going to a Fireside Gathering. https://t.co/VWYSs6XTkZ

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A Basic Shaman deck is nice because it already has one of the best removal cards in the game: Hex. Our guide: https://t.co/BbAUdV8yha

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Knowing how to keep track of your opponent's cards is an important skill that can help increase your win rate. https://t.co/AVJ3OHmsxl

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Know your Deathrattle cards! You'll want to have an idea of what Shallow Gravedigger can generate. https://t.co/oN0eAbv7pu

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Nemsy Necrofizzle is the first Warlock hero skin. Available October 17. https://t.co/f11GU4l6Sz

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While somewhat competitive, keep in mind the budget version of Zoolock would really benefit from a few legendaries. https://t.co/vPYv6t9MHY

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With the resurgance of Zoolock, Warlock fans on a budget got some very good news. https://t.co/vPYv6t9MHY

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