

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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One year ago today, our lord and savior Yogg-Saron was nerfed. https://t.co/vkRNTSREWk

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ICYMI: We've completed a wave of updates to 31 of our Top Decks which now have the latest deck lists for you to use. https://t.co/popj4hhGRa

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Our budget Midrange Hunter guide comes complete with upgrade recommendations, tech cards, and more. https://t.co/Vc24OJ6Lm5

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Alice proved Tempo Warrior can be competitive by breaking into the Top 100 with it. Her deck list: https://t.co/t5ax0EZF9m

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Kranich reached Rank 1 Legend with a Tempo Rogue deck list complete with Coldlight Oracle and The Curator. https://t.co/1Z6SlhBaBb

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Pretty much all of the Rank 1 Legend decks we could find this week were Highlander Priest or Tempo Rogue. https://t.co/OXorkzhqQn

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Hunter remains a favorite among new players. Let us help you get oriented with the class. https://t.co/HsObtuoNUJ

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It's To celebrate we're highlighting our favorite podcasts, big & small! https://t.co/utnTmOoPhH

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The most decorated players at the HCT Summer Championship includ , , JasonZhou, and . https://t.co/e6muQ5TzYw

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