

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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is Arfus! Such a good little pup. Running him in any decks? https://t.co/OmC4YzKUBl

1 9

Here's a new deck for you. Tonsoku went 44-22 (66.7%) with this Ramp Druid. https://t.co/bnnT8zROXm

4 10

Zalae hit Top 5 Legend with his Jade Druid deck list including a teched Big Game Hunter. https://t.co/vWqrL6CDsu

5 11

is Rotface! What are your thoughts about him so far? Our card guide: https://t.co/ng2kXR01T9

0 6

Let us help you take on Lady Deathwhisper and earn you that free pack! https://t.co/DxELoty12S

2 20

Make sure to check out Gyong's Rank 1 Legend Tempo Rogue if you're a fan of the class! https://t.co/SL1JfAQbFt

1 11

Need help beating Lord Marrowgar? Make sure to check out our boss guide! https://t.co/gHkOu8yKxT

5 37

Asmodai's Top 100 Legend Miracle Rogue should probably be treated with respect when encountered.

2 13

Handlock returns? Urana peaked at Rank 1 Legend with this Handlock! https://t.co/dnxRFrkAZt

6 28