

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Easily the most popular archetype so far, our Control Warlock guide is now available! https://t.co/y1GI0WJJBs

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Safta reached Rank 1 Legend with this Midrange Token Druid deck last night.

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After refining it some more, here is the Fatigue Warrior list and ended up with. https://t.co/FwtewsisxP

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Zetalot says he wouldn't want to face his N'Zoth Priest on the ladder. https://t.co/iiX34GSSkw

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Our first guide is now available! Learn about the new Tempo Warrior going around: https://t.co/m9R6GvPC36

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Update: MrYagut made Rank 4 Legend with this Miracle Rogue deck list! https://t.co/CGgJ0eEkVs

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Need some tips to beat this week's bosses? Our new guides can help! https://t.co/WuXSqbNHbi

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Be sure to check out our list of the five best decks so far: https://t.co/rafSwHQK7p

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It's hard to believe, but was rocking with Prince 3 in Ramp Druid - in Legend! https://t.co/l9FVfdqGQa

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Handbuff Paladin is played by in Legend on his stream right now! https://t.co/DnY8I1Hsa8

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