

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Control Mage has always been an expensive deck, but Kobolds exacerbates the problem with six new Epics and Dragoncaller Alanna. Our guide: https://t.co/JPxoHRYtsz

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Cubelock is a breath of fresh air in the combo archetype. Let us help you learn how to play it!

Our guide: https://t.co/pvgwCF5Gir

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We've just updated our Control Mage guide for the Kobolds & Catacombs meta. Check it out!

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If you've long been a fan of Murloc Paladin, the archetype is still viable, but it's been forced to incorporate parts of the ever popular Aggro Paladin.

Deck list & guide: https://t.co/PBfeIuuGu6

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Thanks to strong Deathrattle minions in Control Paladin has shifted back towards a N'Zoth win condition.

Our recommended deck list and guide: https://t.co/LKh15fd1V9

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Cubelock is taking Hearthstone by storm right now. Give it a shot with our new guide! https://t.co/pvgwCF5Gir

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We've just updated our Crafting Guide for the Kobolds & Catacombs meta. You can check out full Tier Lists of both Epics and Legendaries here: https://t.co/mB4QEBTKSm

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Good news: Secret/Tempo Mage can compete pretty well on a budget.

Bad news: Kobolds & Catacombs didn't make that any easier now that Aluneth is in the wild.


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Big Spell Mage shows a lot of potential after its first iterations already. Having a unique toolkit at hand helps it deal with all sorts of meta decks of the new expansion. https://t.co/V21JwCshN8

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Looking for info or help with some of the rare & Catacombs Dungeon Run bosses? Head on over to our Adventure Hub! https://t.co/iaXdH26ksU

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