

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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ICYMI: Our updated Control Warlock guide for the new meta! https://t.co/y1GI0Ws8JU

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With Tempo/Secret Mage moving towards Aluneth and Corridor Creeper, the budget version of the deck is left with Explosive Runes, the only new card to make the deck list.

Here's our newly updated guide: https://t.co/bRcuYHQtWx

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If you still haven't tried out Dungeon Run, we recommend you do so! But we also have a guide to help you through the first five levels of the experience. https://t.co/g7woj1N1Re

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While aggressive Paladin decks now shy away from the Murloc package, we've gone ahead and updated our Murloc Paladin guide for those looking to stick with what they know. https://t.co/PBfeIuuGu6

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Powerful stats. A delayed drawback. Common rarity. Hoarding Dragon is super good in the Arena. https://t.co/pShReqIxbr

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In our latest decks compilation, we showcase 23 decks from 13 different archetypes, both competitive and fun! Everyone should find something they like. Check it out here: https://t.co/MqgNuPMal4

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Looking for an up to date Highlander Priest guide? Good news. We've got one on hand! https://t.co/Wap5RsfBbu

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ICYMI: Aggro Paladin is the most common aggro deck out there right now. Here's our guide: https://t.co/ts3F6g0RUJ

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Hoarding Dragon is an exceptional Arena card. explains why it's so much better than cards like Hungry Dragon. https://t.co/pShReqIxbr

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The power of Taunt Warrior started to decline with Knights of the Frozen Throne and has continued to decline with Kobolds and Catacombs. It can still win games, but there are more powerful options available. https://t.co/pkYAzvFQ4B

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