Henry Vogelさんのプロフィール画像

Henry Vogelさんのイラストまとめ

Golden Age science fiction. Digital Age author. henryvogelwrites.com

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presents another Kelly Freas cover because nothing says space opera to me quite like Freas artwork. Freas was a legendary SF artist who genuinely loved the field and the fans, and was known for helping new artists who were just breaking into the field.

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I've decided to run two daily art posts—space opera and sword & planet. Our first entry is of Mark Schultz's "Cadalacs and Dinosaurs" comic. It's supposedly a post-apocalypse with dinosaurs, but it reminds me of ERB's Pellucidar. Exciting stories and great art.

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closes out this look at Sword & Planet with this cover for a British RPG. With this image, Italian artist Francesco Francavilla captures the mystery, the adventure, and the allure that draws me to read and write S&P.

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continues its Sword & Planet theme with my favorite non-Burroughs S&P novel. After ERB, no one understood S&P better than Leigh Brackett. She filled her stories with exotic settings, strong characters of both sexes, exciting action, and inspired my Scout series.

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sticks with its sword & planet theme with Burroughs less well known Venus series. The Amtor (aka Venus) books are less well known than the Barsoom (aka Mars) books, but the Carson Napier tales are packed with adventure and romance (but without Mars' naked women).

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finishes our brief look at women in bottles with one last cover. If you're interested in bottled babe stories, I've got nothing for you. For fun space opera stories, check out the link to my website.


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