

Autistic amateur artist, writer and passionate video-gamer with rants up his sleeve and an ill-fitting hood. (Replies may be 18+!)
(PFP by @Yeyeliz!)

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:123

well, in the slim likelihood that you choose to do so, here's a ref of one of my characters, spider
honestly, if you want to draw, then draw, but if you don't, don't, that's what i always say

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done drawing now
first pic is for ; after finding out about vlad's love for bread, elephant decided to bake some for him
second pic is for ; etani does not reciprocate hare's love for her similar cannibalistic tendencies, despite hare thinking otherwise

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joining this late, whoops
given your knack for fantasy creatures and characters, it would be quite interesting to see a demonic sorceress like pluto in your art style

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sure thing
when he's not giving therapy sessions to each of the sky pirates, he's reading bedtime stories, either as audio or to the younger members
he's super caring, wholesome and understanding; even with the ridiculousness of the sky pirates's foes, he'll be there for them

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i've read your books, and i can confirm; alaric is a right jerk
but as much of a jerk as dog? i'm not so sure
he thinks so highly of himself, like he's the most handsome, suave killer alive, and will even go out of his way to refuse getting healed from "lower trash medics"

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alrighty then, thank you to for the tag
this time, i'll try entering with the sky pirates recon agent, cat
for tags, i shall tag and

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i don't have any links, sorry :(
what i do have is art, and some pals + artists i admire (even if some of them don't draw, or only draw on the side)

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well, unfortunately due to my drawing abilities, none of my characters have beards, so i can't really cosplay as any of them all that convincingly
though i suppose, with some work, i could cosplay as jorge and call it a day

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i have a lot of characters with very unique attributes and utilities, so it's nigh impossible to pinpoint just 1
however, a character who always thinks he's cool is dog
a trait that will most certainly be his undoing

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